What We Do

KPMD provides full service support to ACOs, Medical Homes, and Integrated Networks, along with Inpatient and Ambulatory care providers. KPMD is a web-based product that builds continuity of care systems, creating interactive, patient support workflows within and across all points of care. KPMD is highly customizable both on initial build and throughout the day-to-day life of the product. KPMD suites many configurations, evidenced by the range of organizations for which we have adapted the all-in-one product.
  • Especially tailored to community hospitals, clinics, group and solo practices, as well as home health agencies, to create the integrated healthcare enterprise.
  • Incorporates and optimizes existing legacy systems to create an integrated care delivery platform.
  • Supports seamless conversion to automated, real time information sharing between departments and across provider locations.
  • KPMD finances all acquisition, implementation, training, and support to providers.

Intelligent Design:

Allows words to be automatically converted to text or actions through voice capture and auto population.
Offers real-time, behind the scenes coding – at the point of data entry—through ICD-9 codes to assign diagnosis and CPT-4 codes for billing procedures.
Saves clinicians time, giving more time for patient care through keyboard shortcuts, charting by exception, and pick lists.
Aids Financial and billing workflow with Computer assisted coding, federal reporting automatically updated in real-time.
Enhances revenue cycle management, minimizes billing errors, expedites claim process, and automates scheduling, charge entry, patient billing, claims processing, payment posting, A/R management, and collections.

Support & Services

KPMD will provide:

  • Installation
  • On-Site Training
  • Application Customization
  • 24/7 on-line support