About Us

A dedicated team of programmers and systems analysts work with on-line training and technical assistance staff to keep your organization up and running. 24/7 KPMD support adapts to varied types and sizes of hospitals, clinics, and physician practices, and includes ongoing support of bi-directional interfaces, ensuring optimal functioning of integrated workflows and no disruption of daily activities.

KPMD maintains two network management security and redundant data support operations in Detroit and Anaheim, CA for its web-based, back-up, and stand alone installations

KPMD Clinical and Systems Design Team

The experience of medical technology patent holders and AMA task force contributors on auto coding and integrated workflow combines with experts from a host of medical specialties to implement the KPMD intelligent and user friendly design approach. The design team is responsible for giving KPMD its seamless ease of use and simplicity, while integrating the host of features and benefits the product delivers.

KPMD Hospital Administration and Practice Management Group

Hospital CEOs and senior managers from facilities in Detroit, Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, Texas and California form our practice management training and consultant group, which has worked extensively in all types of clinical environments, with special attention to the challenges of introducing new technologies to physicians and staff. Additionally, KPMD maintains a staff of experienced hospital, clinic, and solo practice financial management specialists focused on using technology to optimize productivity and revenue cycle management.

KPMD Integrated Care Systems Group

Pioneers in the development of collaborative care protocols, KPMD's integrated care delivery experts have 17 years' experience with thousands of providers—from hospitals to daycare—launching demonstrations in 14 sites across the country. Supported by the KPMD platform, these collaborative protocols become a key ingredient to a truly effective EHR, Medical Homes, ACO's, continuity of care, population health management, State Health Information Exchanges, and all the innovations associated with integrated care delivery.

Support & Services

KPMD will provide:

  • Installation
  • On-Site Training
  • Application Customization
  • 24/7 on-line support